Monday, May 23, 2011

Adventures in Leadership Training, Episode 1

There are many things in this world I will never understand.

I don't understand how people accuse God of being neglectful of this world He created with all the starving and destitute people in it, yet we are the ones who choose to be selfish with our resources.

I don't understand how older, married, financially stable couples are unable to conceive children, yet irresponsible 14 year olds get pregnant without trying, in addition to plenty of irresponsible grown ups who are addicted to drugs and selfish living, and refuse to give up their parental rights.

I don't understand why I always come up with brilliant comebacks...long after the situation in which I need them has passed.

But most of all, I don't understand how people can see a view like this...

...and not believe in God. I can't believe that scenery this beautiful was formed by a random coincidence.

It hasn't even been a full week since I've been in Colorado, the leadership training hasn't officially started yet, and I've already met THREE Christians who were raised in Jewish families like I was. It's extremely rare to meet someone like that in general, let alone three in under a week! I just feel like it's more proof that I am meant to be here.

But I'm not naive about how the rest of the summer will pan out, just because the first couple days have been amazing. I remember very well what one of the pastors at my church said about how LT not only stands for Leadership Training, but also "Lots of Trials." I will be challenged this summer, I know that. I will be required to step outside my comfort zone and listen to people's ideas in project groups that I may vehemently disagree with. And if you ask most people who know me, they'll affirm the fact that I like to think I'm right about a lot of things. ;) Humility is not exactly my forte.

I already cried during the first church service, feeling convicted about a lot of things. The summer is young, and more tears are yet to come, I'm sure. It will be an interesting adventure. I'll try to keep the updates regular. :)

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