Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fill the glass, these last few days have gone so fast

So this is it, then. This move is about to happen. All my belongings are packed and now my biggest struggle is to smoosh it all in my tiny little Mazda.

Oh and when I say "belongings," what I really mean is "books." Four giant shelves worth, all divided by genre: Religion, history, fiction, and miscellaneous. They are the most precious items I own. Is that sad? What non-readers fail to understand is that there are pieces of my life in all of these books: from childhood heroes to the ones that kept me up at night sobbing, these books are like my children. The thought of leaving ANY of them behind is appalling. So I will take the chance of adding another 100 pounds to my vehicle. But I will still make plenty of room for my roommate:

I said to Pippa, "Wiggle your nose if you're excited for Denver!" Nose-wiggling ensued. I take that as a good sign :)

Now comes the part where I freak out about all the things you'd expect of someone who is literally packing up her life and moving it to an unfamiliar place...will all my crap fit in my car? Can I make it all the way across the country without my engine crapping out on me again? And then there are the "long term" fears: how the heck am I going to pay back all these loans?! Will I be able to find a job? Is this really the right school? What the heck am I doing?!?!?

But nothing feels as scary as starting something brand new. That, and leaving behind the most amazing guy I've ever known...but, if all goes according to plan, I'll be seeing him in Denver next year. So many changes in such little time. Who can keep up? If I didn't obsessively journal every detail over the last few months I would hardly believe that any of this has happened. I'd still think I'm too scared and too lazy to leave my suburban Ohio box.

So here's to venturing off into the big world of grad school and real adulthood. To learning how to cook with more than just a microwave. To figuring out a monthly budget and actually sticking to it. To stop being a whiny baby about going to the gym. To budgeting not just my money, but also my time, so I can actually study...and maybe finish my book in the process.

Last but not least, here's to leaving the past behind and starting over. To taking advantage of the mountains and re-learning how to ski. And making new friends.

To Colorado we go!!!


  1. Not paid enough for thisJuly 20, 2013 at 5:50 PM

    Preparedness, time and money management. Three things that women excel at where men lag behind. You did not accomplish a move to another state or entry into graduate school with the attendant planning without the steady hand of another? An earlier column of yours referred to "identity." Is there a female identity or a male identity found in "preparedness, time and money management?" We often read about women being "good at" "things" WHAT THEN is a man good for? I have no hamsters. But I do have cardboard boxes. I have eleven bookshelves. I can count the number of books into the upper four decimal points. Do any of your other comment posters have the wherewithal to challenge those flat statements? If they do I will duel them with words as soon as I'm through with the rest of this inspirational and informative message.
    Academia the labyrinth of arrogance covers the nation with institutionalized students. (first comment free) Where do any adult students escape from the educational system and when? If I had a hamster I would not do as my cousin did and pitch it against the wall, pick it up and make sure that it was dead. In the name of science certain organizations have collected every scrap of data that can be collated to date. And yet, these comment sites, and your members, are languishing behind keyboards and posting about your...lives? I've been sledding before and would like to sled again after I'm done studying. That is IF the F.A.F.S.A. ever releases my loan money. All things being even, the hour is late here in these United States and if ever each particular were known by a number instead of a name, what would that even mean to the scientific academic community that can seemingly act and travel at will with tax dollar funding? A more pleasant thought is an eiderdown and a cold evening. Again, take that as you like it. Signed, not paid enough for this.

    1. To the fourth place numerically on the left of the decimal is the thousandths place, not a decimal place, public university student. A public school student such as you and this crowd here pays to the LEFT of the decimal point. Your interest is calculated where you wouldn't even notice it, that is, to the RIGHT. That is why THEY are RICH, and YOU have only your wits. Just check your facts as you write them and you'd be a scientific enthusiast like me. Signed, Typo Correcter.
