Saturday, January 21, 2012

An overflowing cup of mercy

So...remember how I decided to give my friend Anna my last $20 for her mission trip to Amsterdam, all the while praying that God would use that donation to teach me a lesson on faithfulness? Well...

Since that post was written, I have applied to 10+ other local restaurants, department stores, and grocery stores...and I am now an official employee at Panera!! I walked in for an open interview session, was one of the first to arrive, and 15 minutes later, I got hired. Ohh isn't God just awesome?!! Who'd have thunk it?

And, I start my volunteer position at the crisis center this Wednesday. Now that it's coming up, I am feeling a little bit anxious. What if it does turn out to be too much for me to handle? Does this mean I have to completely re-think my career plans?

I shouldn't assume the worst just yet. Well, I shouldn't even be assuming the worst at all (remember your resolution, Sarahbeth!). See, Jesus and I have been having some talks lately (yes, talks). And this is what I think he is telling me:

SB, for a long time you wished that someone could have shared with your 17-year-old self the lessons on relationships you know now. But you know that there was no way you could have learned those lessons without allowing your heart to be broken first. Think of this opportunity as your second chance. You are in a place of privilege to share with other women the lessons you learned in your time of depression. You can use that pain to change their lives.

Still, I am very nervous, and if anyone feels compelled to pray for me...I would deeply appreciate it.

And now, some more puppy cuteness. I think we have figured out which puppy is Dodger from the first picture we saw of the litter:

Altogether now: Awwwwwwww!

1 comment:

  1. Sarahbeth,
    the economy is tough right now, so for you to land a job at Panera is a good first start. Have you contacted hospices about chaplaincy requirements? Those are good careers, and with your writing ability, you may want to look at communications/marketing with a church or a hospital first.
    God bless you!
