Sunday, March 25, 2012

For the seeker in everyone...

I am ecstatic to let the world know that the OFFICIAL RELEASE DATE FOR MY BOOK is March 31st! I am also slightly terrified. I am well aware of the risk I am taking with this. I think there is something in there to offend everybody...Catholics will be sad that I grew up among them, but didn't join the Catholic church; Christians might be annoyed that I poke fun at "Christian-ese" terms like "accepting Christ into your heart," "quiet times," and that I wrote extensively on why worship music makes me uncomfortable; and Jews will be angry because...well, the obvious reasons.

But, just like my position as a columnist for my campus newspaper, I didn't write this to make friends. I wrote it to share something close to my heart, something that God might use for good in the life of someone who has been where I've been, felt what I've felt.

Sometimes I'm so excited about my dream coming true I want to do cartwheels (I actually did do cartwheels in the break room at work when I checked my email on my phone and saw the cover for the first time), and other times, I want to rip my fingernails off in anxiousness of how people will react.

But, after praying profusely about it for 2 years, I know this is a risk I am willing to take. For every passage that has the possibility to offend, I think there are plenty more for people of all walks of life to identify with: parents who must reconcile with their children breaking from tradition; college students who are struggling to stand by a friend whom they believe is making an unwise choice...and anyone who has ever struggled with doubt and considered giving up on faith altogether. I truly believe there is something here for the seeker in everyone.

Here's to leaving my mark. And here's the link to, ya know, order it (if you want):


  1. worship music makes most people I know uncomfortable I don't care for it myself, that is exciting that it will be out soon

  2. I don't like Christianese either... I've been struggling w/ the phrase "quiet time" lately, and what to call it alternatively... I guess just straight up what it is: "Time with God in prayer and reading the Bible" (haha). Many worship songs are uncomfortable for me too - but it depends on the song...

    Your book sounds really good. :)

