Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Kim Kardashian and homosexuals didn't ruin marriage...we all did

I hate to jump on the "Let's hate on Kim Kardashian for making a mockery of marriage" bandwagon, mostly because all the punch lines have been shared to death already. But this picture on my Facebook newsfeed got me thinking:

I agree with it, for the most part. There is a lot of hypocrisy about the sanctity of marriage being perpetrated by straight people. But using a celebrity like Kim as a means to expose this hypocrisy is wrong for two reasons:

One, I think it's safe to assume that 72 day long marriages are rare among average, non-famous people. Whether or not you believe that the divorce was planned right along with the wedding for publicity's sake, the reality is that Kim's fame alone makes her an unlikely candidate for a long, happy marriage. We all know that celebrity marriages tend to have an extremely limited shelf life, as they are often made on a foundation of jello instead of genuine commitment. I mean, if you're bordering on becoming a has-been before you even start to get gray hair, a high-budget wedding is a great way to get your name back in the press.

Secondly, getting back to my point about how Kim's divorce makes the debate on gays ruining marriage seem silly: the quote from the above picture makes the faulty assumption that divorce is not a big deal to Christians. Obviously, Christians can and do get divorced, but that's no excuse for the church to suddenly change its stance. Jesus' teachings don't change just because society does, and "everybody's doing it" is no excuse for down-playing the seriousness of marital commitment.

I'm not about to argue why I don't believe in gay marriage, but from the Christian perspective, I will say that it isn't fair at all to blame homosexuals for ruining the sanctity of marriage. That is one thing that picture gets right: straight people, Christian or not, are doing a great job of that all on their own.

The gay marriage debate will go on, but in order for their stance to be taken seriously, Christians need reminders on what "Till death do us part" means just as much as everybody else, before they open their mouths to protest the nuptials of their homosexual neighbors.

Long story short, human beings are fickle creatures, regardless of sexual orientation, who want to have their wedding cake and eat it too. And in other news, water is wet.

Last but not least: WE GOT OUR PUPPIES! Introducing Oliver and Dodger, the newest Caplin critters:

The new brothers first meeting: "What is this thing, and why is it in my space???"

I'm in love!!!


  1. It's unclear to me how the quote makes the assumption that divorce is not a big deal to Christians. How are you extrapolating that from this picture and quote?

    Cute puppies.

  2. It doesn't. At least, not directly. But few other religions and/or social groups make a big stink about gay marriage like Christians do. The "sanctity of marriage" is constantly brought up by predominantly Christian candidates on why gay marriage shouldn't be legal.

  3. The picture you posted has nothing to do with Christians having a problem with gay marriage. Actually, Christians should have absolutely zero problems with gay marriage. If you're Jewish, you have every right to not be OK with homosexuals getting married. It's in the book of law (Leviticus) and a couple other times in the Old Testament (Torah) it says that one man shall not lie with another. Totally legit.

    However, Christians should have absolutely ZERO qualms with gay marriage. Not in ONE single instance did Jesus actually say that homosexuality is wrong. Jesus actually said (cliff notes version) that you should forget all of the Torah and follow my teachings, which boils down to: 1. Love God. 2. Love each other as much as you love God.

    The Catholics firmly do not believe that homosexuals will go to hell or are wrong in every way for being gay. They do, however, have a problem with adultery (sex outside of marriage, including pre-marital sex). And it's not the Catholic religion who says gays can't marry--it's the Vatican. Ancient law set very firmly and undoubtedly by MAN. So, you can be gay, but can't have sex or get married. Kind of sucks, but hey, maybe one day we can change that.

    But to close. A lot of conservative non-Christians have problems with gay marriage saying it's not natural and that it makes marriage less nice for the heteros. This is to prove that Kim Kardashian, Brittany Spears, Vegas weddings (72 day marriages are actually pretty common if you go to that certain district) and women and men marrying super rich women and men and divorcing several times in their lifetimes are ruining the sanctity of marriage.

  4. I didn't intend to open up a debate about gay marriage with this post, though I realize it was inevitable. But actually, homosexual behavior is condemned in the New Testament as well as the old. See Romans 1:26-27.

    As for Jesus disregarding the entire Old Testament laws, he wasn't referring to the laws of morality. Not all 613 laws of the OT carried beyond the times they were written, because most of them were cultural or ceremonial. Jesus is saying that loving God is the most important thing because it's only through love of God that we can obey the other laws.

    But that's not the message I'm trying to communicate with this post.

  5. We should all remember that Old and new testament were both written by MEN using the standards of their times, things change we arn't meant to follow the same old rules forever and ever (except not killing people and stuff that's always bad) but as times change rules and guidelines should also change. Why should it matter if two gay people get married. They arn't bothering anyone else and if anything those who are gay who want to get married do so because they love that person and not b/c they feel society says they have to. I feel the same in terms of kids. It just doesn't make sense , just like people who practice polygamy, I don't think that is right or a good thing to do but that is their choice to live that way. As long as they arn't hurting each toher or being cruel to other people it shouldn't matter, it is their lives. People who have 10 kids I think are crazy but if that floats their boat they can do it.
